Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mist netting and Lamanai ruins

Dr. Wright marking a captured honeycreeper

Rachel with American red start in hand

Meghann and Emil getting instruction from Dr. Wright (with red-legged honey creeper in hand)

Boating on New River to Lamanai Maya ruin (Dr. Wright and Katie in front)

Climbing Lamanai temple

Estrella at the top of Lamanai ruin (view of New River lagoon in the background)

Class at the base of Lamanai's main temple

The class is continuing their field work this morning and then touring Lamanai Maya Archeological site.


  1. Dear Rachel and friends,
    We really enjoyed reading about your amazing trip. Keep on writing and we will keep on watching and reading. HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME!
    Love, All the Mooneys XOXOX

  2. Wow! This looks like the coolest trip ever! What a great group of young guys and girls. Love the pictures. Keep them coming! Stay healthy everyone. Love you Rachel!
    Mom and Dad
